1 - Have gone through Bible-based and practical financial training (book, small group, workbook or course) |
2 - Developed a realistic written budget/spending plan to live within (or below) our means |
3 - Have a good financial software or a written system and update it monthly to track our income, expenses and giving |
4 - Have researched the salary ranges for our professions/positions |
5 - Have agreed upon financial goals for the next 1, 3, 5 and 10+ years |
6 - Use helpful financial resources and trusted advisor/s to help us with financial decisions |
7 - Have gotten our free credit score report and know our credit score numbers |
8 - Know our net worth and update it at least once a year |
9 - Have a current and legally-binding will and estate plan |
10 - If married, know each other’s financial personality/temperament |
11 - Use a checklist to help us maintain or improve our financial health on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis |
12 - Have researched and put into practice ways to make extra money |