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Nurture in Nature referral form

Personal info and your contact details# If possible, please read the FAQ about the Nurture in Nature service, before completing this form.

The Nurture in Nature service prioritises referrals from people living, working or studying in Woodlands whose mental health has been negatively impacted by financial worries and the rising cost of living.
Nurture in Nature is a free service, but we do welcome donations from people when they are in a position to contribute. 
The information provided on this online form is stored securely, but may be visible to other Woodlands Community staff.
You can also access the service directly by contacting Judy directly via text/phone call on 07545 659 636 or e-mail
Further background information is available on our website.
4. (In order for us to prioritise people who are most in need please answer the following question.)
The impact on my mental health, as a result of financial pressures due to the Cost of Living crisis, is: *This question is required.
7. What is your preferred way to be contacted? *This question is required.