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NASTAD 2024 Minority Leadership Program: Executive Activator Application

Thank you for your interest in NASTAD's Minority Leadership Program (MLP): Executive Activator. Persons of color working in health departments and government agencies face myriad challenges pertaining to job advancement, leadership development, and growth opportunities in these institutions. NASTAD recognizes the need to senior level leaders of color in health departments and seeks to equip them with skills, peer support, strategies to dismantle white supremacy and oppressive systems, and introspection to advance in their varied personal career trajectories. NASTAD's MLP: Executive Activator is a space rooted in social justice for health department staff of color to engage in critical conversations about critical conversations about relinquishing power; program sustainability; overcoming institutional barriers to equity; developing succession plans; addressing workforce wellness; dismantling white supremacy; and establishing leadership accountability mechanisms; and more. Please complete the application, including attaching all supporting documents, by Monday, April 29, 2024. The Selection Committee will only review complete applications submitted via 

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Person of color in senior level leadership position with at least 7 years of experience at a state or CDC directly funded city/county health department position within an HIV, viral hepatitis, or drug user health program:
    • Eligible state health department jurisdictions: Continental United States, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Pacific Island members of NASTAD (American Samoa, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and Palau).
    • Eligible CDC-funded city/county health department jurisdictions: Baltimore, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles County, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, DC.
  • Ability to attend one in-person retreat from August 5-9, 2024.
  • A commitment to participate in alumni engagement activities.
  • Participate in an accountability activity following the conclusion of the program.

Ideal MLP Candidates Possess: 

  • A strong professional work history that demonstrates increasing development of skills and increasing responsibilities;
  • Appropriate professional position to share and communicate their work with health department colleagues and the general public;
  • Expressed desire and passion for exercising leadership in the field of HIV, viral hepatitis, and drug user health;
  • Understanding of concepts pertinent to social justice and health equity;
  • Willingness to share lessons learned and wisdom with professional peers and participate in accountability planning beyond retreat participation;
  • A proven commitment to releasing professional power and investing in leadership opportunities for other leaders of color;
  • Strong recommendations from their health department and other professional peers.