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Kingsbury County PDM


Kingsbury County, in conjunction with all of the communities within the County, are updating their Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to better understand the natural hazards that pose a threat to the area and develop actions that reduce the risk associated with these hazards. This survey was designed to help gauge local household and business preparedness for disasters and to identify actions that would reduce risk and loss from natural hazards.

Please answer the following questions to help us learn more about the history of hazard events in your area. Some of the questions are geared toward your personal and professional experience with natural hazard events. Other questions are included to receive your input on which natural hazards pose the greatest threat to your area and what type of actions could reduce the risk from them. Please indicate the appropriate answer for each question and/or write in a response as necessary. More detail in a response will help us understand the risk better. 
1. Please indicate the municipality you reside in:
  • * This question is required.
2. Are you responding as:
3. Have you ever experienced or been impacted by a natural disaster?
4. How concerned are you about the possibility of your community being impacted by a natural disaster?
5. What is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to protect your family and prepare your home from hazard events? Select all that apply. 
6. Please rank the following hazards according to the degree of threat faced by your community. One (1) represents the highest/greatest threat and twelve (12) represents the lowest/least threat. Use each number once.  Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
7. Is there another significant natural hazard that is a threat to your community that is not listed above? 
8. Have you or your community taken any actions to make your home or community more resistant to hazards?
9. We would like your opinion on how to best reduce risk from the natural hazards in your community. Please briefly describe at least one project to mitigate each of the following hazards. Examples of projects are creating green spaces, floodproofing structures, designating emergency shelters, construction of tornado safe rooms etc.