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Hampshire County Food Policy Council Dinner & Visioning Event

Rescheduled date: Friday, February 9

The Hub would like to invite all HCFPC partners to a network-wide Community Dinner and Visioning event to launch a collaborative process of dreaming our future for the next year. The event will take place on Friday, February 9 from 4:00-7:00pm at the Collaborative for Educational Services, 97 Hawley St, Northampton. The event offers us an opportunity to gather in community, to get to know new friends and deepen existing relationships. This event grew out of discussions in October in the Vision Circle where we began to think about how we can collectively envision the future growth of our work; and how to involve the whole Hampshire County FPC network in the process. 

The February 9th event will begin with a World Cafe, which is a fun way to host group conversations. Tables are set up with paper and colored pens and post-its, and the host (JuPong) offers a set of questions to prompt a 20-minute conversations done in rounds (familiar to us in Sociocracy). Bring your imagination and creativity and help us initiate a visioning process for a thriving HCFPC! At 6pm, we will share a meal together. 

The Hampshire County Food Policy Council is able to provide stipends for participation, childcare, and transportation if you need them. If you have questions about stipends or about this form or the event, please contact Clarke Bankert at or JuPong Lin at 

As we get closer to the event, the HCFPC Hub will assess the Covid-19 risk and let people know ahead of the event if masks will be encouraged. 

We will also offer a virtual option for people to gather during the group conversation time from 4-6pm. 

2. Are you able to attend the HCFPC Dinner and Visioning Event on Friday, February 9 from 4-7pm? *This question is required.