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Crowdsourcing Training Survey @ ITS New York (01-31-24)

Please complete the following survey to assist the U.S Department of Transportation's ITS PCB Program in understanding your satisfaction with the Crowdsourcing for Advancing Operations training you completed today. Your feedback is extremely valuable to the ITS PCB Program and is greatly appreciated. 
4. Please rate the course content. 
              Read each item and select the radio button that best describes your opinion.  *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The course covered the specified objectives.
The course content met my expectations.
The course was well organized.
Training time was well used.
Instructional activities and materials used during the program were appropriate.
There was sufficient time and opportunity for questions and discussion.
I received skills and knowledge that I can use in my job.
This training was a valuable use of my time.
5. Please rate the course instructors. 
              Read each item and select the radio button that best describes your opinion.  *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The instructor(s) had a thorough knowledge of the subject matter.
The instructor(s) communicated the subject matter well.
The instructor(s) used relevant examples.
The instructor(s) facilitated discussion well and interaction with participants was effective.