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Mentor Application


Thank you for your interest in serving as a mentor with Eileen & Callie’s Place. The following information is confidential and will only be shared with appropriate staff members. Please read all documents carefully before filling out or signing. Any questions regarding this application or other enclosed forms should be directed to Ameeca Akram, Program Manager at 206.304-1497 or via email at
Contact InformationPrint Your Legal Name As It Is Listed On Your Driver’s License
Have you ever used any other names? *This question is required.
First, Middle, Last
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
Gender *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
Please provide a 10-digit phone number including area code.
Enter numbers only. Formatting such as dashes will be added as you enter your phone number.
Contact Preference *This question is required.
Are you former military?
Do you self-identify as LGBTQ+?
Are you a parent?
Were you the first person in your family to complete high school?
Were you the first person in your family to go to college?
Do you have any accessibility needs or disabilities?
Do you consider yourself low-income?
Have you ever experienced houselessness?
Are you an immigrant to the United States?