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2024 Program Fundamentals Assessment (PFA)

Why are we asking you to complete this survey?
Think of this survey as a new patient intake form you complete at your provider office.

The road to a successful sustainability program starts with a sound baseline survey, which will help us to understand the current state of your program. We will use this information to tailor our recommendations for you and focus the efforts we’ll be working on together to maximize your program’s long-term success.

Who should complete the survey?
Some partners have a designated sustainability lead or champion. Other partners may have a committee or team. Regardless of how your organization is staffing this role, please collaborate with other stakeholders as needed.

Thank you for taking the time to gather and share this information with us.
1. Who completed this assessment?
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Are you completing this assessment for a single facility or for a health system with multiple facilities? Please answer all subsequent questions from this same perspective.
3. Which of the following are the most important drivers for your facility/system’s sustainability efforts? (From the list below, please identify the THREE most important drivers) *This question is required.