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Texas College of Arts & Industries/Texas A&I University/Texas A&M University-Kingsville 2024 Alumni Survey

Texas College of Arts & Industries/Texas A&I University/
Texas A&M University-Kingsville 2024 Alumni Survey
Dear Alumnus/a,

Texas College of Arts & Industries/Texas A&I University/Texas A&M University-Kingsville works hard every day to serve your interests. As we approach our Centennial in 2025, we value your opinion as we plan for our second century! Please help us better understand how you prefer to connect/stay connected to your alma mater by completing this survey. Your feedback is critical to helping us meet your expectations.

The university is collaborating with Performance Enhancement Group, Ltd. (PEG) on this Alumni Attitude Study. PEG is a national leader in this field and responses are private and will go directly to PEG. 

We are grateful for your participation. We are listening and are committed to taking action based on the feedback you provide us. Thank you for your participation.

Dr. Robert H. Vela Jr., ’94, ’98 ’03
President, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
We recommend taking your survey on a desktop computer, laptop computer or tablet. If you take the survey using a mobile device, we recommend turning your mobile device to the landscape positionRemember, if you cannot complete the entire questionnaire, please hit the “submit” button at the end, so that we can still capture your results. None of the questions are required. 
Section I

To start, please tell us a bit about yourself and your experience with Texas College of Arts & Industries/Texas A&I University/Texas A&M University-Kingsville (the University).
1. Which of the following describes your overall current opinion of the University?
PoorFairGoodExcellentNo opinion
2. How often do you promote the University to others?
NeverOccasionallyRegularlyAll the timeNo opinion
3. Which of the following best describes your experience as a student?
PoorFairGoodExcellentNo opinion
4. Which of the following best describes your experiences as an alumnus/a?
PoorFairGoodExcellentNo opinion
5. How would you rate your decision to attend the University?
Bad decisionFair decisionGood decisionGreat decisionNo opinion
6. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest, how connected do you feel to the University?
7. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest, how likely are you to recommend the University to a prospective student?
8. How well did the education you received from the University prepare you for each of the following?
Space Cell Poor preparationFair preparationGood preparationExcellent preparationNo opinion
a. Current work status
b. Further graduate education
c. Commitment to continuous education
d. Responding to new career opportunities
e. Contributing to my community
f. Deepening my commitment to personal development
g. Securing a job I wanted upon graduation
9. Overall, how satisfied are you with the course of your career thus far?
DissatisfiedSatisfiedExtremely SatisfiedNo opinion
10. How well did the University prepare you for the course of your career thus far?
PoorlyAdequatelyVery wellNo opinion
11. Please indicate the extent of your loyalty to each of the following:
Space Cell Not loyalSomewhat loyalLoyalVery loyalNo opinion
a. My college/school within the University
b. My major or degree program
c. A faculty member, instructor or staff member
d. A student organization or activity I was associated with
e. Javelina athletics
f. The name of the University when I attended
g. The University in general
Section II

The following questions are about your experience as a student.
12. In which of the following organizations/activities did you participate as a student? (Check all that apply.)
13. How important was each of the following to your experience as a student, and how well did the University do at providing them?


1 = Not important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Very important
4 = Critically important


1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent                 

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a. Relationship with other students
b. Academics/classes
c. Relationship with the faculty
d. Attending athletic events
e. Opportunity to participate in fraternity/sorority
f. Relationship with administration and staff
g. Student leadership opportunities
h. Skills/training for career
i. Traditions or values learned on campus
j. Opportunity to interact with alumni
k. Opportunity to engage in community service activities
l. Opportunity to interact with local community members
14. Name one university person who had a positive impact on your experience as a student. Please also provide a brief description of the relationship.
15. Name one university program or activity that had a special meaningful/profound impact on your experience as a student. Please also provide a brief description of the program or activity. 
Section III
The balance of the questions pertain to your experience as an alumnus/a.
16. In your relationship with the University, please describe how often you do or have done each of the following:
Space Cell NeverOccasionallyRegularlyAll the timeNo opinion
a. Attend events/reunions with your alumni network
b. Get in touch with other alumni
c. Read alumni e-mail and The BellTower e-newsletter
d. Read Javelina Today magazine
e. Attend or follow Javelina Athletics events
f. Attend professional/industry events with alumni
g. Visit campus
h. Visit the University or alumni/foundation website
i. Volunteer for the University
j. Engage with the University on social media
17. For each of the communication methods listed below, please tell us how important that method is to you and also rate the University's effectiveness in utilizing that method:


1 = Not important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Very important
4 = Critically important


1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent                  

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a. University website
b. Alumni/foundation website
c. The Belltower newsletter
d. Email
e. Communication regarding services and benefits
f. Invitations to the University activities
g. Javelina Today magazine
h. Periodic informational communications
i. Invitations to alumni activities
j. Social media/online community
18. Please indicate your feeling regarding the frequency of the following:
Space Cell Way too muchA little too muchAbout rightWould welcome moreNot nearly enoughNo opinion
a. Email correspondence from the University (newsletters, news flashes, etc.)
b. Printed materials from the University (magazines, newsletters, etc.)
c. Solicitations for donations (Day of Giving, Javelina Athletics, President’s Circle, etc.)
d. Invitations to alumni activities
e. Presence on social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
19. How interested would you be in the following communication topics regarding the University?
Space Cell Not interestedSomewhat interestedInterestedVery interestedNo opinion
a. Student stories, news, and achievements
b. Faculty stories, news, and achievements
c. Alumni stories, news, and achievements
d. Research stories, news, and achievements
e. News about my college
f. Campus life news
g. Javelina athletics news
h. Class notes/alumni updates
i. Alumni organization news and updates
j. University events
k. Message from the President on University mission and priorities
l. Visual content (pictures, artwork, etc.)
22. How important is it for alumni in general to do the following and how well does the University do at supporting alumni in doing them?


1 = Not important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Very important
4 = Critically important


1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent                 

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a. Mentoring students
b. Identifying job opportunities for graduates
c. Recruiting students
d. Serving as ambassadors promoting the University to others
e. Providing financial support for your University/alma mater (e.g. donations through the Texas A&M-Kingsville Foundation)
f. Networking with other alumni
g. Volunteering for the University
h. Providing leadership by serving on advisory boards, committees, etc.
i. Attending general alumni and the University events
j. Attending Javelina athletic events
k. Participating in the University online activities (social media)
l. Stay connected with faculty
m. Host current students at place of employment for shadowing/tours
23. What are barriers to your participation in alumni activities? (Check all that apply.)
24. Which of the following best describes your financial support of the University?
25. Please indicate how much each of the following impacts your overall opinion of the University:
Space Cell No impact on my opinionSome impact on my opinionSignificantly impacts my opinionCritically impacts my opinionNo opinion
a. Value/respect for degree
b. Campus aesthetics (e.g. buildings, grounds, etc.)
c. Media visibility (e.g. newspaper, magazine articles, viral videos, etc.)
d. History/tradition
e. Accomplishments of alumni
f. School rankings (e.g. Forbes Media, U.S. News & World Report, etc.)
g. Accomplishments of faculty
h. Outreach to community
i. Accomplishments of students
j. Success of athletic teams
k. Availability of scholarships
l. A diverse and inclusive environment
m. Name change/different logos
26. Please tell us more about your feelings regarding the name/logo changes of the University:
Please indicate which is most true for you regarding the name/logo changes of the University over time:
Negative impactNo impactPositive impact
Please provide the following demographic information:
Your current location:
Thank you for your input. Your time is greatly appreciated.