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PDG Application, Informed Consent, and Demographics for Family Literacy

Family Literacy Enrollment

By completing this form, you are enrolling in a Family Literacy program. This Family Literacy program is sponsored by National Center for Families Learning (NCFL). If you participate, you must agree to certain things that are outlined below. Please read the entire form before you sign at the end. You may choose to leave this program at any time for any reason.

Focus child's information

Any of your children ages 0-8 years may participate in the Family Literacy program. We will be collecting information about one of your participating children. We will call this child the "focus child".
2. Focus child's name *This question is required.
This program is available for children ages birth through 8 years old. This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
4. How would you describe your focus child? *This question is required.Check all that apply.
  • * This question is required.
5. What is your focus child's gender? *This question is required.
Participating parenting adult's information
7. Your name: *This question is required.
8. How would you describe yourself? *This question is required.Check all that apply.
  • * This question is required.
9. How would you describe your gender identity? *This question is required.
11. Your home address:(optional)
This question requires a valid email address.
14. Which digital device(s) do you have at home? *This question is required.Check all that apply.
15. Do you have access to the internet in your home? *This question is required.