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NY WFP 2024 Sheriff Candidate Questionnaire


Our country has the highest rates of incarceration in the world, with massive racial disparities. Too many elected officials continue to favor jail and prison over evidence-based strategies that focus on rehabilitation to improve public safety. This “tough on crime” approach to policing and incarceration does not make us safer. Instead it destabilizes families and communities, aggravates racial disparities, and drives resources away from programs proven to be effective when it comes to keeping people safe and healthy.

Elected sheriffs are among the most powerful actors in the legal system. Sheriffs are entrusted with substantial power and discretion to perform a variety of functions – from operating local jails to policing, and even shaping public policy. Elected sheriffs can use their powers to adopt policies and practices that will reduce jail populations, increase public health and safety, stop the revolving door of people going in and out of prison and jail, treat all people fairly and humanely, and ensure that tax dollars and community resources are wisely spent.