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Waterbury Part B Zoning Update Survey

1. What are your interests related to the Waterbury Zoning Update?
2. Do you believe that there is a need for more affordable and attainable housing in Waterbury?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
3. Do you believe that there is a need for increased economic development in Waterbury?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Residential - 1 Zoning District
4. Do you support the updates to the dimensional standards?
5. Do you support the updates to the permitted uses?
6. Do you think that these updates will be effective to achieve the purpose of the zoning district?
Campus Zoning District
8. Do you support the updates to the dimensional standards?
9. Do you support the updates to the permitted uses?
10. Do you think that these updates will be effective to achieve the purpose of the zoning district?
Commercial-Industrial Zoning District
12. Do you support the updates to the dimensional standards?
13. Do you support the updates to the permitted uses?
14. Do you think that these updates will be effective to achieve the purpose of the zoning district?
Conservation Floodplain Zoning District
16. Do you support the updates to the dimensional standards?
17. Do you support the updates to the permitted uses?
18. Do you think that these updates will be effective to achieve the purpose of the zoning district?