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R Programming Langauge Practice Quiz: R Quiz 2

R Programming Langauge Practice Quiz: R Quiz 2

1. What is the primary use of the repeat loop in R?
2. Which of the following functions can be used to find positions of values in vector1 that are the same as in vector2?
3. How do you access an individual element within an R matrix by specifying its row and column?
4. When creating a factor in R, what is the default order of levels if not specified?
5. You want to combine two vectors into a single vector in R. Which function should you use for this purpose?
6. In R, which function is used to repeat a block of code until a specified condition is met?
7. What function in R can you use to save a plot as an image file, such as a PNG or JPEG?
8. Which function can be used to transpose a matrix in R?
9. What is the purpose of the droplevels() function in R?
10. In R, which data type is used to store text and character data?