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Diatribe: Emory Feedback

Thank you for touring our future home! We are so excited for what's to come and appreciate the time you spent learning about who we are and what we are about to accomplish! Please complete the form to let us know your feedback and how you would like to remain involved with The Emory.
1. What is your name?
3. What is your full home or mailing address?
5. How would you like to stay involved and in the know with The Diatribe and The Emory?  (choose all that apply)
6. Would you like to receive more information about The Diatribe projects and programming?
7. How much do you think a space like The Emory is needed in this neighborhood?
Not At All Needed
Absolutely Needed
8. Please rate how important you think the following features are to be included in the Emory, where 5 stars is the extremely important and 0 stars is not at all important.
Space Cell Rating of Importance
Community Gathering Space (for non-Diatribe activities)
Diatribe Programming Space
Affordable Housing Units
Low Cost Retail Space
9. What kind of businesses/services would you like to see in the retail spaces at The Emory?
10. What kind of youth programming would you like to see at The Emory?