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GRE Concurrent Validity Study Intake Survey

Educational Testing Service (ETS®) is seeking students interested in participating in a research study on the newly released shorter GRE® General Test. The purpose of the study is to assess the validity of the shorter test. We plan to administer the new GRE®  General Test to currently enrolled first-year students in graduate programs and to relate scores on each section with students’ performance in the first semester of graduate school. Students participating in the study can select to take the 2-hour test remotely at home (please see the Equipment Requirements) or in a nearby test center of their choice by May 31, 2024. Participating students will receive a voucher to cover the total cost of the GRE® General Test and a $100 virtual Amazon® gift card by email upon completion of the GRE® General Test and submission of the current semester’s unofficial or official transcripts.

To be eligible for this study, a student must be:
  • A currently enrolled first-year graduate student residing in the United States
  • Able to provide the current semester's unofficial or official transcript
  • Able to complete a demographic information survey (if selected)

Data, including test scores and transcript grades, will be used for research purposes only. Your name will be removed from the data before analyses and will not be included in any results. Anonymized data may be used in future research studies conducted by ETS.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the study project manager, Kofi James (

If you are interested in participating in this research study, please complete the intake survey that follows on the next page. If selected for the study, you will receive an e-mail within 5 business days so that you can register for the test.
1. Are you a first year graduate student currently enrolled in a graduate program *This question is required.