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Ikigai Test for Foodies v2

Ikigai Test for Foodies

Are you a foodie? Based on the Japanese concept that focuses on the meaning of life, this test explores your passions, skills, contributions and world views to suggest meaningful career ideas.

First, let's look at your passions!
1. Which of these excites you the most: *This question is required.
2. Think of the last compliment you received. Was it about: *This question is required.
3. When you think of your dream project, does it involve more of: *This question is required.

Let's explore what you excel at!
4. What aspect of a project do you usually get complimented on: *This question is required.
5. Think about the last time you were in "the zone." Were you: *This question is required.
6. When learning something new, do you grasp more quickly and with greater interest: *This question is required.

Let's dive into how you like to contribute to society!
7. Which type of volunteer work appeals to you most: *This question is required.
8. In group settings, do you naturally facilitate: *This question is required.
9. How do you prefer to educate others: *This question is required.

Finally, let's explore how you see the world!
10. In your opinion, what is the most powerful tool for bringing people together: *This question is required.
11. What is your primary consideration when choosing a place to live: *This question is required.
12. How do you assess the health of a society: *This question is required.