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NY WFP 2024 Federal Candidate Questionnaire


This questionnaire contains issue sections that outline the WFP’s priorities for 2024. Your answers to our questions don’t have to be perfect — just honest. You are strongly encouraged to provide additional thoughts on any of your answers; there is a space for optional comments provided next to each response. You will also have an opportunity to expand on your responses during candidate interviews.

If you are unable to complete the questionnaire in one sitting, you can pause and continue by clicking on the "Save and continue later" button on the bottom of the screen.


When you click save you will be asked to put in an email address so you can be sent a link that will allow you to continue the questionnaire at your convenience. Note: if you do not save your work and close the window or browser, you will have to start from the beginning if you close the window or browser where you are filling out the questionnaire.

While we require that you fill out the full questionnaire online, you can find a copy of the full questionnaire, including summaries on the issues and additional resources, HERE

The sections of this questionnaire are:

  1. Contact & Candidate Info
  2. Social Security, Medicare, and the Debt Ceiling
  3. Healthcare
  4. Care Work and Care Workers
  5. Policies to Support Working Parents and Caregivers
  6. K-12 Education
  7. Free College and Debt Forgiveness
  8. Housing
  9. Workers' Rights, Worker Pay, and Worker Power
  10. Immigration and Citizenship
  11. Abortion Rights
  12. Decriminalization and Decarceration
  13. LGBTQ+ Rights
  14. Reparations
  15. Wall Street Regulation
  16. Taxation
  17. Fair Elections
  18. Full Representation
  19. Real Democracy
  20. Combating Climate Change Through a Green New Deal
  21. The U.S. Military and Foreign Policy
  22. Strengthening the Movement