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2023 AAO Public Policy Survey (3rd Annual)

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) is deeply committed to patient health and safety through orthodontic care provided by qualified specialists. Our mission – to advance the art and science of orthodontics through education, advocacy, and research —has never been more important. 

We are growing our advocacy innovation and influence on a range of policy issues through regulation and legislation at the Federal and State levels. With a few minutes of your time, you can help the Legal & Advocacy team plan for possible future work and important positions on relevant and timely issues with potential impact on our members.  

All questions are optional.  This information will not be shared outside of the American Association of Orthodontists.
1. Please rank the most important issues that AAO should be working on in the next two years.
  Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
3. When it comes to workforce challenges, please select all areas currently impacting your practice and staffing.
Occupational licensure compacts create reciprocity between states while working to maintain the quality and safety of services and protecting state sovereignty. Compacts can result in a more efficient distribution of licensed workers and potentially address workforce shortages by supporting practitioner mobility.  They can also create negative consequences for businesses like opening the door to more competition. Efforts are underway by states to consider legislation for interstate licensure compacts that would create reciprocity among participant states. The legislation is aimed at reducing the barriers to license portability and employment. License reciprocity in the dentistry and dental hygiene professions is included in this interstate licensure compact effort.
5. Please respond to the statements below.

When it comes to license reciprocity in the dental hygiene professions and dentistry (including the orthodontic specialty), I am...
The AAO National Advocacy Network (NAN) was established in the fall of 2022 to maximize grassroots engagement of AAO members across the U.S. and Canada for the benefit of our AAO advocacy work. 
8. In which of the following ways are you willing to take action and volunteer in 2024 to make an impact through your grassroots action: (check all that apply)
In 2024, we will celebrate 30 years of AAO’s Political Action Committee (AAOPAC) growing relationships with Members of Congress to benefit all AAO Members and our advocacy work across the country. Yet less than 5% of eligible AAO Members in the U.S. contribute to AAOPAC.
10. Are you willing to visit after completing this survey to contribute $30.94 or more to AAOPAC, kicking-off the 30th Anniversary celebration in 2024 and securing your free access to coffee, snacks, WiFi, and the AAOPAC lounge at AAO’s 2024 Annual Session in New Orleans?
All Optional Questions: This information will not be shared outside of the American Association of Orthodontists.  Your cell number and/or e-mail address are important to help activate your grassroots engagement for advocacy.
11. Are you...
12. Which constituent/region are you in?
What political party do you associate yourself with?
This question requires a valid number format.
13. Which of the following best describes you?
About how long have you been a practicing orthodontist?
Which of the following best describes the practice modality of your current, primary practice? 
Please select the position that best describes your role in your primary practice.