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R Programming Langauge Practice Quiz: R Quiz 1

R Programming Langauge Practice Quiz: R Quiz 1

1. You are experiencing slow performance when working with large datasets in R. Which package offers functions for data manipulation and optimization to improve performance?
2. When using the %in% operator in R, what is its primary use?
3. Your R script generates the error message "Error in if (condition) {: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed." What does this error typically indicate?
4. When working with dates and times in R, which package provides functions for parsing, formatting, and working with date-time objects?
5. When running your R script, you get the error message "object of type 'closure' is not subsettable." What could be the cause of this error?
6. You are working with categorical data in R and need to create dummy variables for regression analysis. What function can you use to convert categorical data into dummy variables?
7. Your R script contains non-ASCII characters in comments, and you encounter encoding issues. Which encoding declaration can you include at the beginning of your script to address this?
8. You want to conduct hypothesis testing for two independent groups in R. What function should you use for a non-parametric test, suitable for non-normally distributed data?
9. Your R script generates an error message that reads "subscript out of bounds" when attempting to access elements in a data structure. What is a common reason for this error?
10. When working with strings in R, you encounter the error message "argument 'pattern' has length > 1 and only the first element will be used." What does this error suggest?