Robust data governance framework (e.g. disclosure of and content for financial data collected by AI) 稳健的数据治理框架(例如AI收集的财务数据的披露和内容) |
Collaboration with other jurisdictions in setting harmonised standards and best practices 与其他司法管辖区合作制定统一标准和最佳实践 |
Develop a designated regulatory framework for responsible AI use 为负责任的AI使用制定指定的监管框架 |
Increased cybersecurity requirements 更高的网络安全要求 |
Update existing laws (e.g. in the domain of copyrights, data privacy, asset ownership) to address future AI implications 更新现有的法律法规(例如版权、数据隐私、资产所有权领域),以应对未来AI的影响 |
Fairness and ethics scrutiny on AI usage AI使用的公平性和伦理审查 |
Transparency and clarity of guidelines and standards concerning compliance on data, algorithms, and AI tool usage 关于数据、算法和AI工具使用合规的指导方针与标准的透明度和明确性 |
Mandatory human supervision requirements 强制性人工监督要求 |
Regulatory sandboxes for testing and deploying AI technologies 用于测试和部署AI技术的监管沙盒 |
Other regulations 其他法律法规 |