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Destination Stewardship Stakeholder Survey

The Colorado Tourism Office (CTO) is conducting this survey to gather input for a Statewide Destination Stewardship Strategic Plan that has the overall goal of supporting a balance between the quality of life for residents with the experience for visitors to Colorado while enhancing our natural environment, cultures, and communities. The CTO is collecting information through a series of regional workshops, one-on-one interviews, and this survey intended to gather as many perspectives as possible on how tourism is impacting communities, cultures and the environment throughout the state. Your inputs are extremely valuable as they will help shape our understanding of issues and opportunities for tourism as well as recommendations for how the state can maintain and enhance its appeal for everyone while protecting our tourism resources. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. 

¿Prefieres completar la encuesta en español? Haga clic aquí.
2. How long have you lived in your current zip code? 
3. Have you participated in a virtual interview or attended one of the in-person Destination Stewardship Strategic Planning Regional workshops over the past few months? 
Questions 4-14 are intended to gather your opinion on tourism in your community. Please rank using the scale of 1 - 5 depending on whether you disagree or agree with the statements below. 
4. Tourism enhances and supports resident’s quality of life in my community.
5. Protecting Colorado’s wildlife is important and the tourism industry should encourage ethical wildlife viewing and other initiatives to protect wildlife and their habitat.
6. Public transportation options are readily available to help visitors move around my community and visit other destinations in Colorado without the need of a car.
7. Local arts and the creative economy in my community (such as music, artisans, performers, public art, etc.) are readily available for residents and visitors to enjoy.
8. Visitors to my community can experience and appreciate our local agriculture through restaurants featuring local cuisine and local products, wineries, breweries, farmers markets, food festivals, or other agricultural experiences.
9. Attracting workers to fill hospitality and tourism jobs in my community is a high priority.
10. The Colorado tourism industry plays an important role in mitigating the impacts of climate change. Examples include utilizing renewable energy sources, reducing the use of single-use plastics, and promoting sustainable transportation options. 
11. Local traditions and cultural heritage in my community are well-represented and easily understandable for visitors to learn more about our heritage and community.
12. Colorado’s history and heritage involves many different communities from diverse backgrounds.  Visitors who are interested in learning about Colorado’s history are able to learn about the contributions of all of these diverse communities during their visit to Colorado. 
13. My community is welcoming and accommodates the needs of diverse groups of visitors (e.g., different races, genders, ages, abilities, income levels).
14. The tourism industry in my community strongly supports local businesses. 
15. Visitor education initiatives in my community have been effective at influencing tourists to behave more responsibly and respectfully. 
16. Would you like to see more reservation systems become available for certain outdoor experiences in Colorado? 
17. In which of the following ways is the Colorado Tourism Office best positioned to offer meaningful support to the challenges and opportunities surrounding destination stewardship? You may select more than one.