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DOSH Safety & Health Consultation Employer Feedback


The Consultation Program within L&I’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) is seeking feedback about your recent consultation to improve its services. Our goal is to improve service to help keep you and your employees safe and healthy. Please let us know how we are doing. It should only take about five minutes.
1. How did you hear about DOSH Consultation? Please check all that apply.
2. Why did you request L&I consultation? Please check all that apply.
3. How clearly did the consultant communicate?
4. How satisfied were you with each of the following?
Space Cell Very SatisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery unsatisfied
Timeliness of the response from the consultant
Service provided by the consultant
Explanation of your rights regarding the consultation process
Explanation of your responsibility and timeline to abate identified hazards
Solutions suggested by the consultant
Report(s) provided by the consultant
Consultation overall
5. How helpful were the following during the consultation?
Space Cell Very helpfulSomewhat helpfulNot helpfulNot applicable
Review of accident prevention program (APP)
Review of other applicable written safety programs and policies
Hazard / risk assessment
Suggestions of how to comply with rules
Health and safety resources provided
6. Were the solutions suggested by the consultant:
Space Cell YesNoNot applicable
Able to be accomplished
Likely to make a difference
7. What changes have you made or will you make to improve safety and health at your company following our visit? Check all that apply.
8. Are you likely to recommend L&I consultation to others?