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Join CWA (Activision Blizzard)

Activision Blizzard United for a Strong Union!

We value the important work of Activision Blizzard. We believe forming a union will make it a stronger, more effective organization, better focused on its mission. I hereby authorize the Communications Workers of America to represent me for the purposes of collective bargaining concerning all terms and conditions of employment. I know that signing this authorization card is only a first step. I will not sit back while my co-workers stand up for a union on my behalf. I will stand up publicly with my coworkers. They have my back – I have their back.

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1. Work Information *This question is required.
Please enter your assigned work location, even if you work remotely!
Do you work remotely?
This typed electronic signature is equivalent to, and in place of, a hand-written signature.
Signature Date: 02/22/2025
By clicking the submit button below:
  • I affirm that I am an employee employed by Activision Blizzard, Inc., or one of its subsidiaries;
  • I request and accept membership in the Communications Workers of America (CWA);
  • I understand that by signing this card that I am voluntarily designating CWA as my representative for collective bargaining purposes. I also understand that if a majority of employees eligible to be in the bargaining unit authorize CWA as their representative, Activision Blizzard, Inc. will recognize CWA as the bargaining representative of employees in the bargaining unit without an election being conducted by the National Labor Relations Board and Activision Blizzard, Inc. will begin bargaining with CWA as the collective voice of represented employees concerning the terms and conditions of my employment.