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VPLO Quarterly Reporting


Please use the "next" and "back" buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate through the report, rather than your browser's forward and back arrows. 
If you need to leave the survey before completing your report, please click on the "save and continue later" button at the top of the screen BEFORE closing or "X-ing" out of your browser. 
Once you've clicked on "save and continue later" you will be asked to enter your email address to receive a unique link to get back in to your report. By doing this, any information you have entered will be saved and when you use the emailed link you can get back in to continue from where you left off. The email will come from DSU and will be from a Alchemer email account.
When you have finished your report be sure to click on the "submit" button before leaving the last page. If you close out of your browser before doing this then your report will not be submitted to DSU.