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CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (LEADER EOI)

This Expression of Interest (EOI) form may be completed by a potential project promoter as a pre-cursor to an application proper for funding under the CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 LEADER Programme.  Failure to complete this form completely will result in a delay in dealing with your Expression of Interest and any further processing of any subsequent application arising.

All fields are mandatory and the form must be completed in full. 

Once submitted, your form will be reviewed by the LEADER Team and then a Rural Development Officer will be in touch.
​If you have any difficulty completing this form or require any assistance, contact the LEADER Team at: 087 792 4301 or by emailing 


EOI Ref. ID: ___________________________________       

Call Type: ___________________________           

Main Programme Theme: ________________________

LAG Officer Signature: ________________________________ 

Printed Name: _________________________________ 

Date Received: ________________