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#27 Family of the Month

Family of the Month

2. Has your council ever nominated a family to win Family of the Month? *This question is required.
Why not? *This question is required.
How many families has your council nominated for the award? *This question is required.
Does your council have a Family of the Month Committee? *This question is required.
Who does the committee consist of? (Select all that apply) *This question is required.
Does your council order Family of the Month resources through Supplies Online? *This question is required.
Does your council formally present the Family of the Month certificate to the family? *This question is required.
How does your council recognize the Family of the Month winner? (Select all that apply) *This question is required.
Does your council use the Family of the Month sample News Release as a model to release to local media? *This question is required.
Prior to your state convention, has your council submitted the Family of the Year entry form? *This question is required.
How would you describe the community/family response to this program *This question is required.
How likely are you to recommend this program to other councils? (0 = Very Unlikely; 10 = Very Likely) *This question is required.
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is it to run the Family of the Month Program? (1 = Not Difficult; 10 = Most Difficult) *This question is required.
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