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Third Sector Needs Research

Third Sector Needs Research

ProMo Cymru is looking for third sector organisations to take part in a piece of research that focuses on the needs of the sector. The research will help us to create tools and resources that support organisations to be more sustainable and resilient.

ProMo are working in partnership with WCVA and Cwmpas on this research, funded by the Welsh Government.

We’d like to speak to people who participate in the decision-making and planning within their organisation. We’re looking for people who understand their organisation's direction, plans, needs and challenges.

Participant Criteria:
- Must be based in Wales
- Must be a third sector organisation (this includes charities, non-profit organisations, social enterprises, community or voluntary groups)

- Online/on the phone
- Conducted in Welsh or English
- Up to 1hr
- We'll be interviewing up to the 22nd of November, between the hours of 9 am-5.30 pm

We’re looking for a wide range of third sector organisations from across Wales. Please note we may not be able to include everyone, but we will reply to every application, and we are grateful for your interest and support.
4. What is your organisation's approximate annual turnover?
5. What sector(s) do you work in? 

Please tick the sectors that most relate to your work (you can tick more than one option).

Geographical location(s):
Please tick the locations that you work in. If you work across Wales, please tick “All Wales”

7. Your organisation’s working model:
8. What do you think your organisation’s digital maturity is?
This question requires a valid email address.
We’re looking for a wide range of third sector organisations from across Wales. Please note we may not be able to include everyone, but we will reply to every application, and we are grateful for your interest and support.
10. If you are not selected for an interview this time, are you happy to participate at a later date? We will keep your data, only for the duration of the project.