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Share a letter to read in the Legislative Assembly

2SLGBTQIA+ rights are workers' rights. 
Outing children as part of a political gamble is violent and despicable. This has been echoed by the judiciary and the Saskatchewan Advocate for Children & Youth. 
The unprecedented pre-emptive use of the Notwithstanding Clause is authoritarian, running roughshod on rights and freedoms. Attacking vulnerable kids is the thin edge of a political wedge of which no charter rights are guaranteed. 
In this environment, workers' fundamental rights to collective bargain, to strike and to join a union are no longer safe. 
Scott Moe clings to power by dividing, distracting, and creating chaos. He's taking his lead from the hate-fueled politics of Donald Trump, embracing dog-whistles like "parental rights" and "judicial overreach." This pulls attention away from our crumbling schools, hospitals, & social services; it distracts from our worst-in-the-nation-economy. 

Send your letter now to have your voice heard in the legislature. 
We will gather letters from members to share with the official opposition to read in the legislature. Your name and contact data will be shared with Nathaniel Teed, NDP MLA for Saskatoon Meewasin. 
4. Do you wish to have your letter read as anonymous or have your name read with the letter? *This question is required.