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Social Care Survey Part 2

Following last weeks short survey on activities, PaCC are following up with a more in depth survey on your family's social care needs. We want to share your Parent Carer feedback with Brighton and Hove City Council to help shape decision making around Short Breaks for all Children and Young People 0-25 with SEND.

This survey takes around 10 minutes to complete.

About your child or young person (please complete the survey for each individual child, if you have more than one child with SEND):
2. Please tell us your child or young person's SEND profile – box for a tick for each below:
  • * This question is required.
About short breaks on offer in Brighton and Hove:
3. Do you access any of the targeted Brighton & Hove short breaks? Please tick all of the short breaks you access or have accessed:
4. Do you access other short breaks organisations, clubs or activities that offer your family support and opportunities? e.g Amazing Futures, Gig Buddies, Down Syndrome Development Trust, Sports Buddies (please specify):
5. Please select any of the following types of service(s) used and tell us the name(s):
Barriers to accessing Short Breaks:
8. Can you tell us about any barriers you have experienced in accessing Brighton & Hove Short Breaks?
The Future of Short Breaks in Brighton & Hove – what do families need?
Short breaks for families (
9. When do you need a short break? Please rank the below by dragging and dropping the options in order 1 - 6 (with 1 being the most important): Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
10. Which of these short breaks are in important in the future? Please rank the below by dragging and dropping the options in order 1 - 6 (with 1 being the most important): Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
Overnight services.
PaCC are aware that some families receive or will be asking for overnight support.

11. Do your family receive or have you been offered overnight short breaks?
12. Is the two night per month core offer sufficient for you to manage as a family?
13. Thinking about the future what do you feel are the gaps in short breaks provision for each cohort, and what would you like to be developed?
14. What after school/college clubs/holiday schemes services do we need more of in the city (tick as many as apply)?
15. What other services do we need more of in the city?
16. PaCC are aware that some families receive or will be asking for overnight support. Have you been offered overnight short breaks?
17. For your overnight short breaks, is the two nights per month core offer sufficient for you to manage as a family?
17. If the two night offer does not meet your family's needs, please let us know what else you need:
PaCC are keen to hear your views and ideas on the following. Please answer as much as you have the energy for-
17. Starting with a MAGIC WAND question (with the view that a free opportunity to share good ideas can help services)... How would parents, children and young people like to see short breaks re-modelled to enable them to achieve more ordinary lives?