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Continuing Education credit — September 2023

As a subscriber to, you can earn up to 12 hours of CE credit from the CFP Board and the Investments & Wealth Institute.

Please read the articles and answer the questions below. To find the related article, click on the hyperlinked title of the story – both online-only articles as well as stories published in the magazine.

You must answer 8 of the 10 questions correctly to qualify for CE credit.

Financial Planning does not email a certificate of completion. Please take a screenshot of the results screen, and keep the confirmation for your records. Financial Planning reports results to the CFP Board weekly. The board may take an additional two weeks to post results.

If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Success Team
1. For 2023, a self-employed client who purchases a car for her business and uses it 100% of the time for that business would be able to take advantage of a depreciation tax deduction of what percentage of the auto’s purchase price? *This question is required.
2. Self-employed taxpayers can deduct the full price of any piece of equipment that declines in usefulness over time and costs this amount or less at purchase the year they bought the items. *This question is required.
3. Business owners with 50 or fewer employees may qualify for a maximum tax credit up to how much per employee based on their matching retirement plan contributions? *This question is required.
4. The so-called simplified method of deducting home office expenses for a self-employed client comes from multiplying the home office by $5 up to how many square feet? *This question is required.
5. For 2023, employees 50 or older can contribute up to how much in total to their 401(k) plans? *This question is required.
6. As of now, per the IRS, employees older than 50 who are making catch-up contributions will have to make them to Roth plans beginning in what year? *This question is required.
7. In the U.S., the current full retirement age for Social Security benefits is 67 if you were born in what year or later. *This question is required.
8. For each year a client delays Social Security payments past full retirement age, they will get this percentage of an annual boost in benefits. *This question is required.
9. A client may itemize deductions for medical and dental care if their expenses exceed this percentage of their total adjusted gross income. *This question is required.
10. The North American Securities Administration Association has introduced its Exam Validity Extension Program to allow brokers to retain their Series 63 exam certification for five years, even if they have let their state registrations lapse, as long as they complete some continuing education programs and pay an annual fee of this amount. *This question is required.
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