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2023 DM Educator Survey

Please answer the following questions based on your Discover Manufacturing Week 2023 experience.
This question requires a valid email address.
6. What were your main reasons for setting up and attending a DMW tour? Please select all that apply
  • * This question is required.
7. Have you participated in a DMW tour in the past? 
Did you prefer SignUp Genius to the matching through the ISD?
8. Self-matching was new this year! Was SignUp Genius easy to navigate? 
9. What was the determining factor for why you select the tour you did? Please select all that apply.  *This question is required.
10. The educator toolkit was helpful and met my needs.  *This question is required.
11. The activities/tours were interesting and engaging. *This question is required.
12. Did this event meet all of your expectations?  *This question is required.
15. Will you encourage students to apply for the Discover Manufacturing Scholarship if manufacturing is their career pathway? Please visit to learn more about this scholarship opportunity.  *This question is required.