The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) is hosting a 3rd V2X Summit - Saving Lives with Connectivity to continue engaging with stakeholders to accelerate the adoption and deployment of interoperable connectivity nationwide. The summit will take place on Thursday, October 26, 2023 at the University of Michigan's Michigan League.
The summit will offer both in-person and virtual attendance options. Please indicate how you plan to attend this event below.General Summit Information:
Date: Thursday, October 26th, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET
Location: University of Michigan Campus
Michigan League
911 N. University Ave
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Virtual Summit Attendance:
We recommend you log into your computer or mobile device 10-15 minutes prior to the summit (approximately 8:45 AM ET) to test your connection.
There will be two distinct links that you will need for full participation in the summit. The first link provides access to the IBM Livestream platform, where the main summit content will be presented. The second Zoom link provides access to the breakout portion of the summit where you will be able to engage with other participants and offer feedback. Plan to join the Zoom breakout session when instructed (2 PM ET). The links for access are:
1. MAIN SUMMIT ACCESS - IBM Livestream Access Link:
a. Recommend Chrome browser
Meeting ID: 232 055 6935
Passcode: V2XSummit
a. Once in the zoom meeting room you will be sorted into one of the zoom breakout rooms
b. When the virtual breakout session is over you will need to rejoin the livestream platform for the remainder of the Summit