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IRC Practices Response to Enforcement Notice Form

The Health Department's Asbestos and Lead Regulatory Program has initiated an IRC Practices compliance investigation on pre-1978 rental housing or a child care business that you own. You must complete this form as a step to resolving this investigation. We will review your response and contact you if we have questions. Please provide complete information so that we are able to resolve this investigation.

This form must be completed by the owner or by the previous owner if the rental housing or child care was recently sold. 
Rental Housing or Child Care Property Address 

Enter the address for the rental housing or child care for which you received an IRC Practices compliance notice. A complete address (street number, street name and town) must be entered.  Enter the E911 address. Look up the E911 address here.
1. Enter the address of the rental housing or child care for which you received a notice. *This question is required.
Enter the owner's name and contact information below. If the rental housing or child care was recently sold, enter the information for the previous owner under which the IRC Practices were performed. 
2. Enter the rental housing owner's or child care business owner's first and last name *This question is required.
3. Enter the rental housing owner's or child care business owner's contact information *This question is required.
4. How is the owner responding to this investigation? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
Reason the owner believes they do not need to complete IRC Practices compliance filings for this property:  *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
Enter the new owner's name and contact information