Thank you for your interest in working with us on this exciting AI opportunity!
As a next step, we would like to check your skills required for this role - particularly related to your ability to spot mistakes in existing responses, as well as provide constructive and concise written feedback.
Couple things to keep in mind for this test:
- We do not expect you to know all the answers, it's ok to do online research.
- This being said, we want to see your writing skills and our evaluators will be specifically checking for any traces of copy-pasted responses from Google, ChatGPT or similar tool. Write the response in your own words, do not just copy an existing response from internet - any traces of this will disqualify you from the process
- This test should take you approx. 60-90 minutes.
- There are 10 questions - 7 of them in English, 3 of them in your target language.
- Once you meet the minimum word count requirement for each question, quality matters and more words are not necessarily considered better - ideally you should provide accurate and concise responses.
To start, please enter your name and e-mail below. Please make sure you enter exactly the same e-mail you have used to apply for this opportunity. Also, please select a language you are applying for.
1. Name: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.