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Evaluation KTDRR KT Conference 2023

Evaluation: 2023 KT Conference

Thank you for taking this survey.
We appreciate your thoughts and feedback.
We will use it to inform planning for other trainings KTDRR offers.
1. Are you a NIDILRR-funded grantee (PI or project staff)?
2. Which day(s) of the conference did you view? *This question is required.
3. Would you like to receive 9.25 hours of CRC-CEUs from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) for attending the conference? You will receive 3 hours for Day 1, November 6, 3.25 hours for Day 2, November 8, and 3 hours for Day 3, November 9. *This question is required.
4. How did you hear about the 2023 KT Conference?