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Apply, Modify, or Disconnect Your Dual Fuel Service

Questions on Dual Fuel?
Phone: (218) 355-2843
1. Applicant
This question requires a valid email address.
e.g. 218-555-5555
2. What would you like to do today? *This question is required.
Which service would you like to switch to? *This question is required.
Which service would you like to apply for? *This question is required.
By submitting this request, customers must rewire ALL equipment tied to the Dual Fuel Service to the home’s standard residential service meter. Once the request is complete the meter will be disconnected.

If you prefer not to rewire equipment, customers can instead switch their rate to Minnesota Power’s All-Electric Rate. The energy costs are the same as the Standard Residential rate ($0.10818/kWh) but with heat tax exemption during heating months. Customers will continue to be billed for the additional metered service. Switching to this rate does not require any rewiring of equipment. If this is preferred, select the "Modify my Dual Fuel service" option above and select the "All Electric Heat" option.
By completing this form, I acknowledge:
  • That I will no longer be on the dual fuel rate.
  • Subtractive metering configurations (dual fuel meter installed downstream of the firm electric service) are no longer supported by Minnesota Power metering equipment. Once disconnected, these installations will not be reconnected. Any Customer request to return to a dual fuel rate would require construction of a second service.
  • I am not eligible for Dual Fuel for a minimum of 12 months. If after 12 months I request to return to the dual fuel rate, all associated costs with reinstatement will be my responsibility.
  • I understand it is the property owner’s responsibility to have the existing equipment transferred to the firm electric service and provide Minnesota Power a copy of the Request for Electrical Inspection. Any equipment remaining on the Dual Fuel service will remain de-energized.
Have you had Dual Fuel service at this property previously? *This question is required.
In the state of Minnesota jurisdictional area, the electrician or homeowner must complete a “Request for Electrical Inspection” form and provide Minnesota Power with a copy of the state form.
Please check those that apply
Building Structure *This question is required.
Electric Heating System *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Non-Electric heating System(s) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Non-Electric Fuel(s) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Other Electric Equipment *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Service charge: $9.00
Rate: $0.10818/kWh.
Interruption guidelines: All Electric Heating Rate is not subject to interruptions.
Electric heating systems do not require a backup non-electric heat source.
Service charge: The service charge for most residential Dual Fuel Standard services will be $6. (Customers with larger or complex systems: $16)
Discounted rate: The Dual Fuel Standard energy charge is $0.07989/kWh. That is $0.02829 less than our standard residential rate of $0.10818/kWh.
Interruption guidelines: Dual Fuel Standard has set time periods for interruptions, so you’ll know what to expect when an interruption occurs.
  • Can be interrupted two times per calendar day for up to four hours at a time. 
  • There is a required minimum of two hours between interruptions.
  • Maximum scheduled interrupted hours: 300 annually.
Electric heating systems require a backup non-electric heat source. Automatic backup heating systems are strongly recommended.
Non-electric Heat Equipment Allowed: Customers that elect to install non-electric heat equipment are not eligible for Dual Fuel Plus. Customers that wish to switch in the future must rewire any non-compliant equipment.
Service charge: The service charge for most residential Dual Fuel Standard services will be $6. (Customers with larger or complex systems: $16)
Discounted rate: The Dual Fuel Standard energy charge is $0.05584/kWh. That is $0.05234 less than our standard residential rate of $0.10818/kWh.
Interruption guidelines: Dual Fuel Plus has the potential for longer and more frequent interruptions.
  • Can be interrupted up to 20 hours per calendar day.
  • There is a required minimum of two hours between interruptions.
  • Maximum scheduled interrupted hours: 1,000 annually.
Electric heating systems require a backup non-electric heat source. Automatic backup heating systems are strongly recommended.
Only electric Heat Equipment is allowed on this rate. Customers with subtractive metering configurations are not eligible for Dual Fuel Plus.
By completing this form, I acknowledge:
  • I will be switched to Minnesota Power’s Residential All Electric Rate and aware of the details of the rate listed above.
  • I am not eligible to change my rate for a minimum of 12 months.
By completing this form, I acknowledge:
  • I will be switched to Minnesota Power’s Dual Fuel Standard rate and aware of the details of the rate listed above.
  • I am required to install a separate metered service to participate in the Dual Fuel program. Subtractive metering configurations are not supported by Minnesota Power.
  • I am not eligible to change my Dual Fuel rate for a minimum of 12 months.
By completing this form, I acknowledge:
  • I will be switched to Minnesota Power’s Dual Fuel Plus rate and aware of the details of the rate listed above.
  • I am required to install a separate metered service to participate in the Dual Fuel program. Subtractive metering configurations are not supported by Minnesota Power.
  • Only electric heat equipment will be wired to the Dual Fuel Service.
  • I am not eligible to change my Dual Fuel rate for a minimum of 12 months.
Optional Seasonal Heat Pump Add-onIf you own a heat pump and prefer to skip summer interruptions, sign up for Minnesota Power’s Seasonal Heat Pump Add-on. During billing months of June through September the Dual Fuel meter will be billed at Minnesota Power’s Standard Residential Rate ($0.09403) and will not experience interruptions. For the billing months of October through May all service through the Dual Fuel meter will be subject to interruptions and receive the Dual Fuel discounted rate.
By selecting this option, you acknowledge that a heat pump is wired to your Dual Fuel Service and are aware of details of the Seasonal Heat Pump Add-on listed above.
By selecting this option, you acknowledge your Dual Fuel service will no longer be enrolled in the Seasonal Heat Pump Add-on option. Your Dual Fuel service will be billed at a discounted rate and be subject to interruptions year-round.