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NTTF Attendee Survey

Thank you for attending a No Time to Fail screening held by the League of Women Voters. Please complete this short survey to let the League of Women Voters know how the event was! This information will help inform the future of partnerships such as the one we have with the No Time to Fail producers. If you have any questions, please reach out to
2. How did you attend the screening? *This question is required.
3. Please rate your overall viewing experience:  *This question is required.
Space Cell Overall experience
4. Because I watched this No Time to Fail documentary: *This question is required.
Space Cell YesNo
I am more likely to advocate for election officials.
I am more likely to advocate for protecting the integrity of the election process.
I view election workers as playing a critical role in the election process. 
I am more likely to participate as a nonpartisan poll worker in the future. 
I am more likely to encourage others to serve as nonpartisan poll workers. 
I appreciate election officials' contributions to the election process. 
I have a better understanding of the election process. 
I will recommend this film/documentary to friends or family.
5. Why did you decide to attend this event? Select all that apply. *This question is required.
6. Did you sign up as a poll worker on *This question is required.
7. Did the location accommodate for:
Space Cell YesNoN/A
Viewing comfort
7. Are you a member or volunteer for the League of Women Voters?
8. If you would like more information about joining your local or state League, please fill in the information below. We will share this contact information with the League that hosted the screening. Your contact information will not be tied to your responses.