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NTTF League Leader Hosting Survey

You are receiving this survey because you are a League leader who hosted or helped host a No Time to Fail screening. In this survey you will submit the number of screening attendees, if you had any special guests, show us how you elevated this event, and let LWVUS know how the event went. We will use this data to inform future events. Please contact with any questions.
1. Please select your League. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
4. Please identify what special guests engaged with your audience, if any:
5. If you used any media or social media to advertise your event, please add a screenshot of what you shared! 
6. How valuable was this screening? *This question is required.
Space Cell Not at all valuableNot so valuableSomewhat valuableVery valuable
How valuable was this screening in enhancing your community's understanding of the election process?
How valuable was this screening in motivating your League members to advocate for election officials?
How valuable would another partnership like this be in the future?
7. Which of the following resources did you use to plan and execute this event? *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.