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Durham Cultural Roadmap Community Survey


Durham County, the City of Durham, and AMS Planning & Research are seeking your input regarding your participation, needs, interests, ideas, and expectations related to Durham’s support for arts and culture. Your input is important and this 15-minute survey is essential to making your voice heard.

Your responses will remain confidential and will only be reported in aggregate. No sales calls will result from your participation in this survey. To take this survey in Spanish, please click the globe icon in the upper right corner.

Si desea realizar esta encuesta en español, haga clic en el icono del globo terráqueo de la esquina superior derecha.

Technical questions? Please email Lauren Frankel at

Thank you!
Durham County and the City of Durham define arts and cultural activities expansively, to include activities relating to performing arts, visual arts, literary arts, film, history and heritage, the humanities, and individual creative expression. 

Examples of arts and cultural activities include creating art yourself (e.g., crafting, painting, writing, singing, or playing an instrument), teaching art, learning about art, attending live performances of music, dance, or theater, visiting museums and galleries, and attending fairs and festivals, among other activities.
1. On a scale of 1-5, what is your interest in these types of activities?
1 - Not at all interested2345 - Extremely Interested
2. Do you identify as an artist and/or cultural worker?
3. To what extent do you make a living as an artist and/or cultural worker? (Please select all that apply)
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