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School and Child care Aggregate COVID-19 Reporting

Thank you for reporting COVID-19 cases in your school or child care. Per Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), aggregate COVID-19 cases are reportable by K-12 schools and child cares to the local health department within 24 hours.

Please report the number of student and staff COVID-19 cases through this online form. It is not necessary to report through this system when no COVID-19 cases are known to the school or child care.

Guidance for reporting and managing COVID-19 in school settings can be found at the following links:
Managing_CD_in_Schools_FINAL.PDF (

Guidance for reporting and managing COVID-19 in child care settings can be found at the following links:
Microsoft Word - BCAL-PUB-0111 (5_19) (

To report COVID-19 outbreaks or suspected outbreaks in schools or child cares, please call 616-396-5266 and ask for a communicable disease nurse, or email

For help troubleshooting issues, please call 616-396-5266 or email Please allow 24-48 hours for response.
COVID-19 School and Child care Reporting Password