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2023 CI + SSI Business Resources Deep Dive Survey

CI + SSI Business Resources Deep Dive Survey

1. Describe your firm's primary focus area or specialty. *This question is required.
2. How many employees (including you) does your company currently have?
3. How many pieces of software does your company currently rely on as a core business resource to optimize operations? (Examples would include ERP, CRM, HR, PM, design, time-tracking software, etc.)
Approximately how often does your company purchase new business resource software? (Examples would include ERP, CRM, HR, PM, design, time-tracking software, etc.)
4. Rank the importance of the following criteria when your company is selecting business resource software. (1 = most important; 7 = least important) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
5. In general, does your company prefer to use business resource software built for a single purpose or software that is end-to-end/turnkey?
6. In general, which type of business resource software do you prefer?
7. Which of these categories of business resource software does your firm currently use? (multiple responses permitted)
8. How much would you estimate that your business resource software improves your company's bottom-line profits in an average year?
9. Rank the following ways in which business resource software can help businesses like yours. (1 = most important; 9 = least important) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
10. Thinking about business resource software, how many of these resources has your company purchased and later abandoned?
11. What are the reasons your company abandons business resource software? (please rank: 1= biggest reason; 10 = least reason) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
12. Has your company ever tried to develop its own custom, proprietary software for business resources?