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ECO Application for MS and SS Intern Program Candidates

Department of Teacher Education and Foundations
Single Subjects and Multiple Subject Intern Early Completion Option

Please complete the following application to determine eligibility for the Early Program Completion Option for Single Subject and Multiple Subject Intern Candidates.
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The Early Completion Intern Option is intended to provide individuals who have requisite skills and knowledge an opportunity to challenge the course work portion of a Multiple Subject or Single Subject Intern Program (does not apply to Education Specialist Intern Programs) and demonstrate pedagogical skills through a performance assessment while in a Commission-approved intern program. 

The Early Completion Intern Option is available to officially admitted internship candidates who meet the following requirements:

  1. Bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally-accredited college or university 
  2. Basic skills requirement
  3. Passage of one of the following assessments:
    1. The National Evaluation Series ( NES) Assessment of Professional Knowledge (APK): Elmentary (Test code 051) for Multiple Subjects candidates or Secondary (Test code 052) for Single Subject candidates
    2. The Teaching Foundations Examination (TFE) (no longer administered)
  4. Completion of the initial Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) task(s) provided within a Commission-approved TPA model
  5. Completion of a course (two semester units or three quarter units) in the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution, or passage of an examination in the subject given by a regionally-accredited college, or university 
  6. Verify knowledge of the subject to be taught by one of the following two methods: 
    1. Achieve a passing score on all appropriate California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) subject matter examination(s)
    2. Complete a Commission-approved subject-matter program or its equivalent and obtain verification of completion from the authorized person in the education department of a California college or university with an approved program
  7. Fingerprint processing by Live Scan (form 41-LS), if not previously completed for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing
  8. Individuals must have an offer of employment and be enrolled in a District Intern Program or a college or university with a Commission-approved intern program

Additional Requirements

Requirements for the Preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential 

  1. Complete requirements 1 through 7, listed above 
  2. Pass the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA). Necessary to satisfy the fieldwork component required for the intern program. Candidates must pass the TPA on the first attempt in order to be eligible for the ECO. If the candidate does not pass on the first attempt, he/she is no longer eligible to participate in the ECO program and must complete the full teacher preparation program. Candidates must demonstrate competence of the field experience required by the Commission-approved intern program in which the candidate is enrolled. 
  3. Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). RICA is a requirement for Multiple Subject credential candidates only
  4. Complete foundational computer technology course work that includes general and specialized skills in the use of computers in educational settings 

NOTE:  The employer may require additional instruction deemed necessary for the preparation of the candidate. 

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