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Internship Exploration Document

Greater Mankato Internship Exploration Document

Greater Mankato Growth is working on developing an internship exploration document that highlights the many great internship opportunities that exist in the Greater Mankato Regional Marketplace. Our goal for this document is to share it with our area high schools and colleges & universities to be shared with students.

Secondary and Post Secondary institutions are providing Career & Technical Education based on the Minnesota Career Fields, Clusters, & Pathways document visible and downloadable below. Our goal is to match the internship opportunities that we share with that document.

We welcome you to share up to two internships per Career Field (the 6 outer shapes of the pie). Career fields should be chosen based on the job responsibilities and not the industry of the employer. If you have any questions on this document or how to match an internship to a career field, cluster, or pathway, contact 

As this is an exploratory document, all opportunities that are shared should be for established internships that are offered on a regular basis.

As this is the first time that we've created this directory, we cannot guarantee that all information that we collect about each internship will make the final document. 

Thank you to Northwestern Mutual and Mankato Area Public Schools for early visioning that led to our work to create this document.
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5. What career field(s) do you wish to list internships for (choose all that apply). Please keep in mind the career cluster (signified by a square ■) and the career field (signified by a greater than sign >).

Based on feedback from individuals who have filled out the form already, it is recommended to submit a new form for each career field for which you would like to submit an internship)