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Paritūtū reserve area consultation 14 August 2023

Survey questions

Kia ora

Ngāti Te Whiti, Ngā Mahanga a Tairi and NPDC would like your feedback on the draft Draft Ngā Motu/Paritūtū/Te Pukenga/Herekawe Integrated Reserves Co-Management Plan. The aim of the plan is to take an holistic approach to the landscape and its management due to its significant cultural and environmental importance.

This survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your valuable input.
2. What is your main purpose for visiting the area? (Click all that apply)
5. How often do you visit the reserves (either Paritūtū, Herekawe Stream, Centennial Park or the Ngā Motu islands)?
6. Do you support the vision of the Draft Ngā Motu/Paritūtū/Te Pukenga/Herekawe Integrated Reserves Co-Management Plan? (For your reference, this is on page 2 of the draft plan.)
7. Which of the overarching Pou that guide the policies for the draft plan do you support? For your reference, these are on page 23 of the draft plan. (Please tick all of the Pou that you support.)
8. Do you support the proposed name change of one of the reserves from Centennial Park to Te Pukenga? For your reference details on this are found on page 24 of the draft plan.
9. Are there any changes or additions you would like us to consider for the policy pathways and/or the projects listed in the draft plan?  For your reference, these are on pages 25 to 34 of the draft Plan. 
12. Where do you consider home?
13. Do you want to speak in support of your submission at a Council meeting?
14. If you answered yes to question 13, please provide your name and contact details below: