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No Time To Fail Screening

Thank you for your interest in hosting a No Time to Fail screening in your community. Please fill out the form below and a member of the LWVUS organizing team will be in touch. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about the documentary, check out our No Time To Fail LMS page here.  
2. Best individual to contact *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
6. Will your League be hosting a post-screening panel discussion with election officials and/or community leaders?   *This question is required.
7. Will your League need assistance in hosting a post-screening panel discussion?
In addition, please see our LMS page as a resource for organizing a panel. *This question is required.
7. Will your League need a preview viewing of No Time to Fail for your League leaders?  *This question is required.
8. Would your League be interested in learning more about how to use League In Action to promote your screening?  
9. How did you hear about the opportunity to host a No Time to Fail screening?  
  • * This question is required.