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Join CWA: Sega Employees

Membership and Dues Authorization Form

Please complete all required (*) sections of this card. You'll get an email receipt within 24 hours.
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1. Membership

I hereby request and accept membership in the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 9510 and agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Union and Amendments thereto and Rules and Regulations now in effect or subsequently enacted by the Union and/or Local 9510. *This question is required.
This electronic signature is equivalent to a hand-written signature and confirms the choices above.
Dues Authorization

Once a collective bargaining agreement is ratified between my Union and my Employer, I authorize my Employer to deduct in each regular payroll from my salary/wages my Union's dues amount and any duly authorized dues increase. My Union is further authorized to make any necessary changes and adjustments in said deductions as may be necessary from time to time because of duly authorized changes in the amount of such dues. I further understand that if I wish to revoke this authorization, I must do so in writing to my Employer and the Union. *This question is required.
**Only members in good standing can vote on contracts and union officers. You'll have to make other payment arrangements.
This electronic signature is equivalent to a hand-written signature and confirms the choices above.
Fee Authorization

Once a collective bargaining agreement is ratified between my Union and my Employer, I authorize my Employer to deduct in each regular payroll from my salary/wages my Union's fee amount and any duly authorized fee increase. My Union is further authorized to make any necessary changes and adjustments in said deductions as may be necessary from time to time because of duly authorized changes in the amount of such fees. I further understand that if I wish to revoke this authorization, I must do so in writing to my Employer and the Union. *This question is required.
This electronic signature is equivalent to a hand-written signature and confirms the choices above.
Signature Date: 03/26/2025
By clicking "Submit":
  • I affirm that I am an employee employed by SEGA of America, Inc;
  • I authorize SEGA of America, Inc to deduct from my salary an amount equal to regular monthly dues;
  • This authorization shall remain in effect unless I cancel in writing. 
By clicking "Submit":
  • I affirm that I am an employee employed by SEGA of America, Inc;
  • I authorize SEGA of America, Inc to deduct from my salary an amount equal to regular monthly fees;
  • This authorization shall remain in effect unless I cancel in writing.