PreK-3rd Grade Leadership Network
OSPI in partnership with the AESD, and AWSP, is launching the third year of the PreK-3rd Grade Leadership Network for administrators seeking to identify and develop district and school level improvement strategies focused on developmentally appropriate practices in the early years. Participants will network with other districts while learning about key strategies related to early learning to ensure elementary schools are organized and supported to provide high-quality learning opportunities across the early grades.
This year the PreK-3rd Grade Network will focus on developmentally appropriate practices in the classroom and how administrators can support teachers in creating classroom environments that are inclusive, anti-biased, asset-based through observation, evaluation, and planning. Current state initiatives like TPEP and student growth will be central to the learning as districts collaborate and network with one another.
This event includes six 90 minute meetings (via Zoom) between October 2023- June 2024 Fridays from 10:00-11:30 am with additional support available.
The meeting dates are: October 6, 2023; November 3, 2023; February 2, 2024; March 8, 2024; April 12, 2024; and May 10, 2024
9 Educational Leadership/Equity Clock Hours will be available.
To register for this event, please complete this survey.