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MCIS Training Evaluation

Thank you for your feedback!

We are looking for feedback on the MCIS training. We will be using your feedback for continuous improvement to improve future training experiences. Contact Kristen Lane (651-582-8475) if you need assistance completing this form.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
2. What type of training did you attend?
3. How well did this training achieve its objectives?
4. How would you rate the following aspects of this training?
Space Cell ExcellentGoodFairPoor
Content Covered
5. As a result of this training:
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
My knowledge has increased.
I have new skills.
I plan to try something new.
6. Overall, how would you describe your experiences with this training?
This question requires a valid email address.