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CES Monthly member survey

1. The first few questions are going to ask you about your interactions with your health plan, Priority Health. Please think about any times that you interact with Priority Health, including communicating with customer service, using your online account or app, using the website, or anything else you can think of.

Thinking of your interactions with Priority Health, to what degree are you able to accomplish what you need? *This question is required.
Completely SuccessfulMostly SuccessfulSomewhat SuccessfulMixed ResultsSomewhat FailedMostly FailedCompletely FailedDoes not apply
Thinking of your interactions with Priority Health, how easy is it to do what you want? *This question is required.
Extremely EasyVery EasySomewhat EasyNeutralSomewhat DifficultVery DifficultExtremely Difficult
Thinking of your interactions with Priority Health, how do you feel during the process? *This question is required.
Completely PositiveVery PositiveSomewhat PositiveNeutralSomewhat NegativeMostly NegativeCompletely Negative