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As an exhibitor at the show, you have the opportunity to recommend your top clients or prospective customers from Spain to the organisers for inclusion in the VIP Buyers Programme.

The organisation will study the suggested companies and confirm those that meet the criteria determined in the corresponding programme, which include: buyer’s and company’s profiles, economic details such as volume of imports and purchases, products of interest, geographical region, and places for every programme.

- Who can take part in the VIP Buyers programme?

Buyers from spanish market are entitled to take part in the programme with the following profiles:

  • Company business: Supermarket chains, hotel and restaurant chains, whole Spain territory distributors and wholesalers.
  • Buyer profiles: General managers and purchasing managers.
- What are the benefits of the programme?
  • Free VIP Buyer badge giving preferential access to the show every day.

Please, make sure that you introduce your direct e-mail, as we will send all communications to this e-mail address 
This question requires a valid email address.
8. Which is your sector in Alimentaria 2022? *This question is required.